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Great Advice On Getting A Whiter Set Of Teeth

TIP! If long-duration whitening strips become painful, try using whitening strips that stay on the teeth for a shorter time, instead. Even though these sorts of treatments may take longer to take effect, they will protect your mouth and gums from damage.

Having a bright white smile you can be proud of is important. Smokers, and those who habitually consume beverages like coffee, soda, and tea, often develop stained and discolored teeth. The following article provides suggestions of things you can try that will help keep the teeth white as well as the best whitening methods to use should you develop stains or discolorations.

TIP! Starting with clean teeth is the best bet if you'll be trying home whitening. While products such as hair dyes work better on dirty hair, any teeth whitening product will give best results if given a clean surface.

There is not enough whitening ingredients in these products to truly have an effect on your teeth. You should consult your dentist to see if they recommend a specific brand that may work better than others.

TIP! When you whiten you teeth, keep in mind that dental crowns cannot be whitened. If you use a whitening product on a mix of natural teeth and crowns, the natural teeth will become whiter, but the crowns will remain the same color.

Sip water when drinking sodas, dark wines, tea, or coffee. Those kinds of drinks are known to cause stains quickly, especially when consumed regularly. Drinking water afterward will help you keep your mouth as clean as possible. After consuming these beverages, remember to brush your teeth as soon as possible.

TIP! Make a habit of hanging onto a travel-sized toothbrush so you are ready to deal with eating sticky, sugary treats. Such foods are bad for the teeth, likely to cause stains, and, worst of all, sticky enough to hang around for a while.

Fruit are also great teeth whiteners. A couple of excellent fruits that can whiten teeth are oranges and strawberries. Make a strawberry paste and apply it to your teeth for five minutes to make your teeth whiter. Another simple way to whiten your teeth is by rubbing orange peel on them.

TIP! If you can't brush, at least rinse your mouth well immediately after eating. Your teeth will stay whiter if you take time to clean them after consuming food or drink.

Eat foods that do not damage or stain the teeth, like fresh fruits and vegetable. Junk food have agents that cause cavities and stain teeth. Don't eat these if you want to keep your smile bright. If you want a white, healthy smile, don't eat constantly.

TIP! You are going to need to make every effort to both brush and floss twice a day. Otherwise, plaque can start to build up, leaving your teeth discolored.

You cannot whiten your crowns no matter how often you bleach. Keep in mind that, if your teeth have crowns, they may not match your teeth after a whitening treatment.

TIP! Visiting your dentist on a regular basis for cleanings is one of the best steps towards maintaining a beautiful smile. It is recommended that you have your cleanings done every six months.

While mouthwashes are great for reducing the amount of harmful bacteria in your mouth, they can also result in discoloration of your teeth. Use a mouthwash that isn't harsh and make sure it isn't a bright color.

TIP! Strawberries can naturally whiten teeth. Strawberries have been proven to be effective for whitening teeth.

Floss and brush your teeth at least twice daily. You need to prevent plaque from building up so that your teeth don't become discolored. It is especially important to floss well every night so as to avoid any plaque in your mouth throughout the entire night.

TIP! This could be the best option if your teeth have substantial discoloration or if you are looking for quicker results. This method can be more expensive, but a having the professional whitening done can work more quickly and do a better job.

The best thing you can do for having a whiter smile is to regularly visit your dentist for cleanings. Get a cleaning at least twice per year. When you're there, make your next appointment ahead of time so that you can't forget to go. They'll usually offer to call ahead of time to remind you about your appointment.

Baking Soda

TIP! To keep your teeth white, rinse with water after drinking the types of beverages that contain staining agents. If you drink water after a drink like coffee, you will suffer less staining.

Brush your teeth with baking soda. Baking soda is a natural remedy that is great for whitening your teeth. When using baking soda to brush your teeth, be gentle in order to avoid gum irritation.

TIP! Contrary to popular belief, it is not safe to use hydrogen peroxide as a way to get your teeth whiter. Using this product is not safe, it can make discoloration worse, and it could even leave the teeth a multitude of shades.

Thoroughly read the instructions on the teeth whitening products, and follow them very carefully. You risk problems with your gums and tooth sensitivity if you use these products for longer than recommended on the packaging. To further protect your teeth, once you've finished the whitening, stay away from acidic beverages like sports drinks or sodas.

TIP! Quit using mouthwash. You may want to stop using mouthwash if you can't keep your teeth white.

Fibrous and crunchy vegetables and some fruits will clean your teeth in a natural way as you eat them. Some examples include apples, cucumbers, carrots and broccoli. Take the time to chew these aliments to clean your teeth thoroughly. Cover a wide area in your mouth by moving the food around when you eat.

TIP! Despite what you may have heard, you should not use lemon or lime juice to whiten your teeth. Truthfully, it is for your own good to avoid the supposed technique completely.

If you're pregnant, don't use commercial whitening of the teeth products! These products contain chemicals that can be harmful for both you and your baby. Consult with your doctor if you are using a toothpaste that whitens teeth to ensure that you are not using a product that could be harmful to your pregnancy.

TIP! Be consistent in your teeth whitening efforts. Paying close attention to the foods you eat and the products you use and staying consistent with your visits to the dentist will put you well on your way towards a beautiful smile.

Freshen your breath for a whiter smile. Lick your clean palm and smell it to test your breath. If the smell is unpleasant, use a breath mint or rinse your mouth with mouthwash. When using mouthwash, ensure it's alcohol-free because alcohol can dry out your mouth.

TIP! Eat plenty of fruits and veggies in your diet. Avoid unhealthy foods, especially fast food items.

Before you buy any chemicals to whiten your teeth, speak to your dentist to hear what they think is best. Your dentist can tell you what is best in your situation and warn you about side effects.

TIP! Toothpaste that has fluoride in it should be avoided. Compounds of fluoride are often used as methods of tooth protection in water, mouthwash, or toothpaste.

It may be necessary for you to drink less coffee or go without it altogether if you want whiter teeth. While this might be difficult, coffee can make your teeth yellow, and when you drink it constantly you are discoloring your teeth. Replace your coffee with another hot drink like green tea or hot chocolate.

Food and drink that gets stuck in your teeth can stain them. Try chewing sugar-free gum to avoid stains.

TIP! Consume more dairy foods. Things like cheese, milk and yogurt have nutrients in them that contribute to strong, healthy-looking teeth.

Make sure that you floss your teeth. Floss fights plaque, and in doing so prevents discoloration. Keep floss with you at all times and use it after every meal. Even if you can't floss after every meal, always be sure to floss before going to sleep. This keeps bacteria inside your mouth under control so that it doesn't fester in your mouth overnight.

TIP! Simple table salt and lemon juice can help whiten teeth naturally. Once you have made a batch, seal it in a container so you can use it daily.

These whitening teeth tips will help you whiten your teeth, whether you want to do it for professional or personal reasons. For a bright smile, consider following some or all of these tips.

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