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Handy Tips to Help Whiten Your Teeth

TIP! This solution does not harm your teeth as badly as other whitening strips that are out there. Just take a capful or two into your mouth and swish around while showering, but make sure you do not swallow it.

Teeth whitening has become very popular recently. Everybody wants a gleaming, white smile. There are many ways that you can get a whiter, brighter smile, and we will help you along the way. Follow our tips and you will have the white teeth that you have always desired.

TIP! To get the most out of your whitening product, make sure that you only do this when your teeth are clean. Teeth whitening products will be more efficient if you apply them on clean teeth.

Starting with clean teeth is the best bet if you'll be trying home whitening. Whitening teeth materials are best used on clean spots, unlike hair dye, which absorbs better into dirty ones. Whitening with dirty teeth can actually cause an uneven shade to develop, so remove all obstacles by brushing and flossing before you whiten.

TIP! Many times these types of toothpaste will cost more, though they do nothing to whiten teeth. Your dentist is a great source of information, so ask him if he can recommend any particular brands.

The first thing you should do to get white teeth is get your teeth cleaned. Get on some six month schedule for cleaning and set your appointment for your next cleaning when you're in there. Sometimes people forget to maintain this schedule, but since two cleanings per year are already covered by most insurance plans, there is really is no reason why you should miss an appointment.

TIP! Sip some water when you are drinking wine, soda, tea, or coffee. These darker beverages will stain your teeth, especially if they are consumed regularly.

Drinks such as red wine, coffee and soda should be consumed in conjunction with a glass of water. These products can stain teeth very quickly, especially if you drink them on a regular basis. Rinsing your mouth out with water while drinking the staining products can help to limit the amount of staining that takes place. You can also prevent stains if you brush your teeth after you have any of these drinks.

TIP! It is not a commonly known fact, but strawberries are a great teeth whitener. Because of the organic compounds in strawberries, they may whiten the teeth without having to use harsh chemicals.

Teeth witening strips are easily accessible and economical. The strip works by placing it on the teeth for a period of time so they can clean your teeth. Whitening strips have lost popularity recently, due to less than perfect results.

TIP! Try to consume healthy foods that include lots of raw foods, such as fruits and veggies. Many times you don't realize the damage that can happen to your teeth such as staining and cavities, from consuming too many processed foods, and purchasing food at the drive-thru too often.

Toothpaste advertised as containing whitening teeth agents is in fact, not that different from regular toothpaste. It's not really the best idea to waste money on products that won't make much of a difference. You will simply be tossing money out that does not give you a benefit.

Ask your dentist to recommend an at-home whitening kit. There are different products and they all work in different ways, so consulting a dentist is usually the best policy.

TIP! Be careful and use teeth whitening products exactly as directed. Leaving the chemicals in teeth whitening products on your gums and teeth longer than instructed can cause increased sensitivity and inflammation of your gums.

Regular cleanings are effective in maintaining a white smile. Getting your teeth cleaned by a professional is a good way to get rid of stains and tartar. Your teeth will look whiter, and a good thorough cleaning will prevent gum disease and cavities.

TIP! It is important to brush your teeth regularly if you seek a nice looking smile. Anything you put in your mouth can cause your teeth to become stained.

This could be the best option if your teeth have substantial discoloration or if you are looking for quicker results. Though the price tag will be higher for whitening at a dentist office, you may find that you are more satisfied with the results and the decreased time it takes to get them.

TIP! Before you begin whitening your teeth, remember you'll only be able to whiten natural teeth. Implants, fillings and crowns will stay the exact same shade, deeming whiteners useless.

If you use a tray to whiten your teeth, be sure it fits on your teeth. If the tray doesn't fit correctly, the chemicals in the whitening product can irritate or inflame your gums. Don't use this product anymore if you have these symptoms or if there is size variance with the product.

Consider using Vaseline as a means of whitening your teeth. Doing so may taste bad, but it will also protect you from stains for a little while.

Whitening Pens

TIP! Dentist visits are essential to getting whiter teeth. Make regular appointments with your dentist for a healthy white smile.

Whitening pens are excellent ways to get whiter teeth. Just be aware that the gel in whitening pens functions like bleach; treat it with the proper care. You have to use caution with this method and make sure not to overdo it.

TIP! Hydrogen peroxide should never be used for teeth whitening, despite urban myth. Hydrogen peroxide is unsafe to use not only because it can damage your enamel, but it can actively work against your goal of whitening your teeth.

Whiten stained or discolored teeth with strawberry paste. Simply smash fresh-picked strawberries into a paste, and then apply this paste to your teeth. Strawberries contain malic acid which will natural whiten your smile. You will never have to deal with an unnaturally white smile that confesses to the world that you had your teeth whitened.

TIP! Chewing on herbs is a great way to get a white smile. You should try parsley and cilantro.

Ask your dentist for a gel that can be utilized at home to help whiten your teeth. With this method, the dentist will prepare a mouthpiece filled with gel for you to wear a few hours each night for about 2 to 3 weeks. Using this method can whiten your teeth 8 shades or more.

TIP! Whitening mouthwashes can be helpful. This method doesn't give immediate results, but after a few months there should be a noticeable improvement.

Whitening gels are an excellent product that you can use to whiten your teeth. You can buy whitening gels more cheaply than you can purchase whitening services at your local dentist's office. Although sometimes if your teeth have bad enough stains, a dentist may be your only option.

TIP! If you want to have shiny white teeth, you must be consistent in your treatment approach. It is important to watch what you eat, visit your dentist and use teeth whitening products if you want whiter teeth.

You already brush your teeth to protect them from dental maladies. Why not go ahead and use a toothpaste that will help whiten your teeth. The brand options are almost countless, but if you read consumer reviews, you will quickly be able to narrow down a product that works well for you.

TIP! Lower the amount of soft drinks that you consume. Your teeth can become discolored from the color added to these drinks.

Having whiter teeth will be noticed by others, and can help you feel better about yourself as well. You can achieve that extra confidence in yourself, as well as better-looking teeth, by making use of the tips presented above. You can have a whiter smile.

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