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Teeth Whitening Tips That You Can Try Out Today!

TIP! If long-duration whitening strips become painful, try using whitening strips that stay on the teeth for a shorter time, instead. It may take more time for your teeth to get eventually white, but sore gums are not a usual 'side effect' of teeth whitening.

Many adults would like to know how to whiten their teeth. You can find many methods to whiten teeth. There are also a lot of ways to prevent teeth staining in the first place. This article has lots of tips to whiten your teeth and give you a better smile.

TIP! Fruit are also great teeth whiteners. In particular, strawberries and oranges can be great for whitening.

After you whiten your teeth, be cautious about eating dark foods and drinking dark beverages. Teeth absorb stains more easily after being whitened. Foods or beverages that are dark should be avoided after you whiten your teeth. For example, you should avoid drinking coffee. Some of it will be absorbed into your teeth, and cause discoloration.

TIP! Your teeth could develop a sensitivity to some teeth whitening products. This can be extremely painful, even if it does not last.

Strawberries may be used to whiten your teeth naturally. You can whiten your teeth with strawberries the natural way. You can crush them and brush the paste on the teeth or they can be cut in half and rubbed directly on the teeth.

TIP! The differences between ordinary toothpaste and teeth-whitening toothpaste are actually quite minimal. Don't spend money on something if the product isn't going to make that much difference in how white your teeth are.

A little known way to whiten your teeth is through the use of fruit. Oranges and strawberries, for instance, have natural whitening properties. If you mash the strawberries up, you can make a paste that you leave on for about 5 minutes. It's also possible to use an orange peel to whiten your teeth effectively.

Whitening Products

TIP! If you want a beautiful smile, you should avoid certain drinks that can leave stains on your teeth. Some of the drinks that fall into this category are soda pop, coffee and traditional tea.

Be sure to follow all directions on any home whitening products that you use. This could cause damage to your teeth and gums. Use your whitening products for the recommended time and not any longer.


Mouthwashes are great to kill germs, but you could discolor your teeth. The best bet for mouthwash users is to pick a mouthwash that doesn't use bright coloring, and pick a weaker brand.

TIP! Smoking, and drinking coffee or tea are practices you should avoid. They can all lead to teeth stained a shade of dark brown.

It is important that your teeth are brushed and flossed twice daily. You want to prevent a plaque buildup because it can cause your teeth to become discolored. It is especially important to floss well every night so as to avoid any plaque in your mouth throughout the entire night.

Water can help to keep your teeth white. Constant consumption of water rinses your teeth, which prevents stain formation. Drink water throughout the day and during meals.

TIP! If you need whiter teeth, the first person you need to see is your dentist. Whenever you try to obtain a whiter smile, you run the risk of causing harm instead of making a positive change.

The directions on whitening teeth products are not suggestions, you need to follow them exactly. Letting these sit on your teeth for longer than is recommended can cause serious consequences, such as increased sensitivity or inflamed gums. To make the most of your whitening procedure, you should also consider avoiding any drinks that are very acidic, such as soda.

TIP! If your teeth begin to hurt, immediately stop whitening. It is possible that increased sensitivity could occur when using a whitening agent.

After you have your teeth whitened, you want to make sure that you are only drinking clear liquids for about 3-4 days. In these early days, all kinds of colors from fruits to dark beverages can get absorbed into your teeth.

TIP! Refrain from smoking. Not only can smoking lead to health issues, it can stain your teeth as well.

Bleaching is an effective way to whiten your teeth, but frequent bleaching can weaken your teeth and damage your enamel. It can cause sensitive teeth that are more likely to get stained.

TIP! An electric toothbrush is a great idea if you are interested in whitening your teeth. They are often capable of removing tooth discoloration stemming from smoking, drinking red wine or eating particular types of foods.

Understand that, unlike your real teeth, crowns will not change color when you use whitening agents. Having visible crowns in your smile will translate through as uneven coloring of the teeth during the whitening process. If this is a problem, discuss it with your dentist and find other ways to keep your color the same.

TIP! If you are suspicious of the affects of a certain chemical on your teeth, consult with your dentist who can offer professional advice. Your dentist will provide you with the side effects of the chemicals and present the best possible alternatives for teeth whitening.

Lip makeup can make your smile seem to be whiter. Try using a lip stick that is based on the color blue, or just simply use some gloss. Any red or berry colored makeup that has a blue base will make your teeth look whiter. On the same note, stay away from matte lipsticks. This duller lip wear can actually create a duller, dingier appearance for your teeth.

TIP! Attempting to whiten your teeth with hydrogen peroxide is not safe, nor is it effective. Using this product is not safe, it can make discoloration worse, and it could even leave the teeth a multitude of shades.

Try rubbing your teeth with the inside of an orange peel to help remove stains and whiten your teeth. Alternatively, create a toothpaste out of dried orange peels and ground up bay leaves. Always thoroughly rinse your mouth after you use the paste, so that fruit sugar can be removed.

TIP! You must consistently take care of your teeth and adopt healthy routines if you want to enjoy whiter teeth on a permanent basis. While whitening treatments can make an impressive instant improvement, your future food choices and ongoing dental care will determine how long the results last.

There are, as was mentioned in the introduction, a lot of methods you can try if you want to whiten your teeth and keep them from getting stained. Now you know what can be done to keep your teeth white and stain-free.

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