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Everything You Need To Know About Taking Care Of Your Teeth

TIP! Buy a great quality toothbrush and make sure that you replace it regularly. The best toothbrushes will feel soft against your gums.

You would be surprised at just how many people hate the appearance of their teeth. Although they are a very small part of your body, they can play a tremendous impact on your appearance. Even worse, if you are dissatisfied with their appearance, it can bring you down and hurt your self-esteem. This article will help you figure out how to have better oral care.

TIP! Avoid drinking sodas to ensure whiter, healthier teeth. Beverages rich in sugar can cause tooth decay and discoloration unless you brush your teeth right away.

Avoid eating too many high-sugar foods. These types of foods can damage teeth. When you do consume this type of food, make sure to accompany it with lots of water. Brush your teeth as soon as possible after you eat.

Dry Mouth

TIP! If you experience pain or sensitivity, it may be time to switch to a special formula to address the problem. If cold or hot foods and drinks bother you, you might have sensitive teeth or gums.

Do you have frequent bad breath and/or dry mouth? If so, the blame may be your prescription medicine. If you do not produce enough saliva, it is more likely that cavities will develop and that you will experience discomfort. Talk with your physician to see if your chronic halitosis and dry mouth is due to medicine you are currently taking. In most cases you can try a different medicine that does not have this side effect. Otherwise, ask about a special mouthwash to help.

TIP! While brushing your teeth is important, it is just as important to brush your tongue. Food can build on your tongue, just like it does on teeth, and not brushing it can cause bacteria to grow.

You should not forget to brush your tongue right after brushing your teeth. Food also collects on your tongue, and bacteria forms there just as it does on your teeth. This is bad for your health and also a major culprit of bad breath.

Tongue Scraper

TIP! You should brush your teeth for two minutes. Brush every single one of your teeth very carefully and gently.

Your tongue should be kept as clean and healthy as your teeth and gums. To help protect your health you should use a tongue scraper when brushing your teeth. This will keep excess bacteria off of your tongue, and they are fairly inexpensive. If a tongue scraper is not something you have or can get, just brush your tongue with your toothbrush.

TIP! Make sure the toothpaste you use contains some fluoride, regardless of whether you use a toothpaste from the drug store or a natural product. That will help you to strengthen your teeth, so they don't get cavities, break or have other issues.

Are you constantly battling tartar buildup? If so, it may be time to switch to specially formulated toothpaste and mouthwash. Tartar generally forms on your bottom front teeth and your upper molars. Regularly visit your dentist so he or she can remove your tartar.

TIP! Your gums and teeth are severely impacted by smoking. If you currently see no damage, just look up some information and images about the damage smoking can do to your mouth, teeth and gums.

Always follow proper brushing techniques. You need to brush when you wake up and prior to going to bed. Saliva decreases while you sleep. Saliva helps keep bacteria that cause cavities clear of your teeth. You need to be brushing for two minutes or longer, and you need to brush at 45 degree angles.

TIP! Get a new toothbrush as often as possible. They should be replaced at three to four month intervals.

Limit your sugar intake to prevent cavities. Your risk of cavities increases with each sugary snack. High sugar beverages, such as juice and soda, also increase the chances of cavities and should be substituted with water. Save sugary foods for a special treat if you want to keep your teeth.

TIP! Tooth pain should not be taken lightly. Prolonged or severe pain could mean an infection is there, and it must be addressed immediately.

If you are looking for the healthiest teeth, eat and drink dairy products. Drink some milk and eat cheese and yogurt. Remember to use a calcium supplement if you suffer from lactose intolerance. You will see a definite improvement in how white your teeth are, and you will get cavities less often.

TIP! If you're doing something to whiten your teeth, it's important to avoid foods and beverages that can stain them. You don't want all your efforts to be in vain because you stick with the same bad habits.

Avoid stain causing foods while whitening your teeth. You would not want to defeat your efforts because you cannot break your old habits. Make a commitment to changing your lifestyle a bit so you can have that great smile.

TIP! A healthy diet goes a long way towards helping you maintain healthy teeth. Avoid eating sweets and drinking sodas, if possible.

You should go to your dentist if you bleed a lot when you brush your teeth. Sometimes this happens when the toothbrush we use is too hard, however it may also be a sign of serious problems like gum disease. It is best to consult your dentist to find out why your gums are bleeding.

TIP! If your insurance does not provide you with dental care, you can still see the dentist. There are many different programs available that can assist you with making dental trips more affordable.

If you are searching for a new dentist, ask to have a consultation first before scheduling an appointment. Ask about how their equipment is sterilized. If they don't have a good answer, leave.

TIP! The types of foods you eat can have an impact on the health of your mouth. There is much calcium found in dairy products, so make sure you eat your share.

Do you have a ice-chewing habit? If so, you should immediately quit this habit. Ice can simply crack or chip teeth, while the cold may trigger painful reactions to sensitive nerves. If you really want something to chew on, try sugarless gum. Additionally, don't put ice in your drink, lest you be tempted.

TIP! If you see many problems with your teeth, you may want to check out your diet. Your teeth will become more vulnerable to decay if your diet is not rich enough in minerals and vitamins.

Drink via a straw. This allows whatever you are drinking to pass by your teeth and go down the throat. This will keep the stain causing beverage away from your teeth. You can get a lot of straws for cheap at the grocery store.

TIP! Your teeth should be brushed twice daily for two minute intervals. Brushing regularly helps avoid cavities and gum problems.

Are your gums inflamed and red? If so, you may have gingivitis. The disease of gingivitis occurs as a result of improper dental care. If your gums bleed when you brush, this can be another sign. If you believe that you may have gingivitis, see a dentist immediately.

TIP! Before the first meeting with your new dentist, confirm that he accepts your dental insurance. If the insurance is a match, check with your provider to be certain of the services and procedures your policy will cover.

Soda should be avoided for better oral health. Soda not only adds nothing of nutritional value, it also contains an excessive amount of sugar. You may be surprised to learn that two-liter bottles of soda can contain up to one cup of sugar. You can keep your teeth stronger and healthier by staying away from these drinks.

TIP! Replace your toothbrush every eight weeks. Use a brush with soft or medium bristles.

Visit your dentist twice a year. Regularly seeing your dentist can help resolve any small problems before they become huge. Suppose you develop a tiny cavity. Quick action will allow a quick fix, but waiting too long may result in the need for a pricier, more painful treatment.

TIP! If your child is scared of going to the dentist, you should try playing dentist with them. Make-believe your child is the patient while you assume the role of dentist.

Encourage your children to brush their teeth by getting them electric toothbrushes featuring their favorite cartoon characters. The way to brush moves can get food out of crevices in the teeth. It also allows teeth to get more clean for a child that doesn't like brushing anyways.

TIP! You need to see your dentist at least twice a year. Visiting a dentist regularly can keep little issues from becoming serious ones.

How long should you keep your current toothbrush? You should get a new toothbrush every two months since bacteria will quickly build up on your toothbrush. If you use the same toothbrush for too long, it becomes less effective.

TIP! To minimize cavities, brush teeth at least two times daily. Try brushing and flossing after meals and just before going to bed.

As detailed above, your teeth will look a lot better once you develop a good dental care regimen. You don't have to stay embarrassed about your teeth. It is possible to feel confident about your smile. Follow the advice above, and you will have a winning smile in no time.

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