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Foods To Avoid When Whitening Your Teeth

TIP! If you want your teeth whitened as quickly as possible, have a professional tooth whitening at your dentist's office. Your dentist can give you whiter teeth in just a few easy visits.

A lot of people wan to have their teeth whiter and brighter. There are a vast amount of ways you can get your teeth. There are also a variety of ways to prevent teeth staining in the first place. This article is filled with advice that can help you in choosing a teeth whitening method to use.

TIP! Stay away from cigarettes, wine and coffee. Coffee and wine contain chemicals which cause tooth staining.

Laser whitening of the teeth is one of the best options when it comes to whitening your dentist offers. This may be the best way to having your teeth revert back to their initial white as they can be. They will put bleach on your teeth, and then it is activated through shooting a laser at it. The whiteness of your teeth is instantly by five or six shades.

If you use a whitening product on a mix of natural teeth and crowns, your teeth may whiten; however, your crowns will remain the same color.

TIP! To get the whitest teeth possible, you need to drink a lot of water. When you drink water, it rinses your teeth and prevents the buildup of stains.

Drinking coffee and other staining liquids through a straw is an effective way of getting whiter teeth. The straw minimizes the amount of time the beverage has to stain your teeth. The liquid is naturally guided toward your throat and go down your throat.

TIP! Eating an apple can give your teeth the illusion of being whiter than they actually are. Crunchy foods, like apples, clean the teeth because they are mildly abrasive, while not damaging to the enamel.

Brush your teeth regularly to ensure that you want to keep a great smile. Food and other items can build on your teeth and discolor or stain them after some time. You need not be concerned about discoloration as long as you maintain regular a regular teeth-brushing routine.

TIP! Eating cheese at the end of a meal will help to save your tooth enamel. The calcium existing in cheese is noted to help rebuild enamel, and fortify the structure.

The most effective way of achieving white teeth is through brushing and brush as much as you can. These methods will get rid of any plaque buildup that may have built up and could stain your teeth. It's recommended to brush your teeth and then floss after every meal.

This method is a bit more expensive, but it gives you quick results.

This also increases sensitivity to your teeth feeling extremely sensitive and more easily stained.

Red Wine

TIP! Speak with your orthodontist and dentist before you engage in any kind of teeth whitening process. If you are planning on having any major work done on your teeth soon, you will want to wait to whiten them until all of the work is done.

Red wine contains acids which destroy the enamel on your teeth look. The red color in the wine will become absorbed by your enamel and causes the discoloration. The only way to truly alleviate this issue is to cut back on the amount of red wine completely.

TIP! Hydrogen peroxide is very effective at whitening teeth. You can use a simple washcloth or any cotton material dipped into the solution.

You should understand that any whitening solution only whiten natural teeth. If you have dental work such as veneers, veneers, crowns or fillings in the front of your mouth, or implants that are visible they will not whiten. Whitening your natural teeth will make dental work that has been done stick out significantly.

Consult with your dentist for effective products to whiten teeth and crowns evenly.

When trays do not fit properly, the chemicals can easily affect the gum area and cause irritation or inflammation.

TIP! You will probably have to cut your coffee intake way back, if not eliminate it entirely , if you really want to get the whitest smile possible. Coffee can cause stains on your teeth, and the more you drink, the worse the stains can become.

Drinking water after dark beverages can keep your teeth white. A water rinse prevents the stain causing drink from setting.You could also drink dark drinks from a straw or you could use non-skim milk for your coffee with whole milk.

TIP! Create a natural paste out of lemon juice and table salt, then use the paste to brush your teeth. If you find you have salt sensitive teeth, then you should stop using this mixture.

Teeth whitening pens can be great way to whiten your teeth. You have to be careful when you're using this gel because it's similar to a bleach. You need to be careful using this method and be sure to not overuse it.

TIP! Create a paste made of hydrogen peroxide combined with baking soda, and apply to the teeth with a normal toothbrush. Use this mixture to gently brush your teeth on a regular basis to see if it helps whiten your teeth without the need to resort to harsh chemicals.

Yellow teeth is an obvious sign that smokes. It can be rather difficult to keep a bright white when you smoke.If you cannot quit smoking altogether, you should at least limit the amount of cigarettes you do smoke if you want to have a whiter smile.

Stay away from colored mouthwashes as they contain added colors.Some mouthwash brands can actually cause a change of color in your teeth.

TIP! Don't whiten your teeth if you have unfilled cavities or untreated gum disease. You could actually worsen these conditions.

If you want whiter teeth, you need to get your teeth cleaned regularly. Having a regular cleanings is one of the best ways to to whiten your teeth. You should visit your dentist at least every six months.

Your dentist can let you as to which whiteners are best and if there are any side effects that should concern you.

Another way to maintain white teeth is to brush your teeth right after you wake up, and then again just before you get back in it later.

TIP! At home whitening of the teeth can appear to be a simple process. There are side effects to some of the kits that whiten teeth at home including gum sensitivity.

Know how well your chosen whitening of the teeth method. You can end up disappointed if you expect a lot out of the tooth whitening system you have chosen. Ask the dentist what to expect.

TIP! Use a homemade toothpaste containing peroxide and baking soda to clean and whiten your teeth. The two ingredients are in most whitening toothpastes, and you can find them in your home.

Dentists can use professional grade bleaches and special lights that can whiten your teeth whiter far more effectively than any home product could. These treatments can cost about $500 per session.

TIP! Stay away from tea and coffee if you want to protect your teeth from stains. These discolor tooth surfaces, particularly if you drink them regularly.

Try using a mouthwash but discontinue use immediately if you notice any gum irritation or bleeding. These mouthwashes contain a diluted solution of peroxide to remove stains and discoloration over time. Rinse your mouth twice every day for about 30 seconds before you brush your teeth.

TIP! Whiten your teeth, before brushing, with a banana peel. This is a little known whitening trick used by many people.

You will have healthier and whiten your teeth on a daily basis with toothpaste and floss. Choose toothpastes which have baking soda to get rid of the stains more efficiently.

Soft Drinks


Try to reduce your consumption of soft drinks you consume.The artificial colors used in some drinks can stain and discolor your teeth. Soft drinks also contain other ingredients which can badly damage tooth enamel. This will make any stains far more likely to stick. Drinking too many soft drinks will make your teeth significantly more difficult to whiten.


As was stated in the above article, there are plenty of whitening methods available to use that will give you whiter teeth while also preventing stains from occurring. If you use the advice and suggestions from this article, then you will be well on your way to having teeth that are healthy, white and free from stains.

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