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Get Whiter Teeth! Follow These Tips And Tricks!

TIP! If you experience sensitivity when using a teeth whitening strip that has to be adhered for several hours, try a brand that only needs to be applied for less than an hour. Although the half hour whitening strips have to be applied for a longer time period, two weeks or so, gums won't be as sensitive.

You've come to the right place if you've been wanting to try to whiten your teeth, but are not sure how to go about it. This article has many useful tips to assist you in answering any question you might have about whitening teeth. It also gives you an easy how-to guide to achieve great results.

TIP! Avoid cigarettes, wine and coffee. These items have chemicals that will stain your teeth.

Strips made to whiten teeth are affordable and readily available. The strip works by placing it on the teeth for a period of time so they can clean your teeth. Even though whitening strips were trendy for a little bit, they are now losing their popularity because they don't provide good results.

TIP! If you have any untreated cavities or gum disease, you should see your dentist prior to beginning any teeth-whitening regimen. When you are whitening your teeth you should be careful! Your dentist can help you find the strategy that is the most effective and safe for you to use.

Smoking is a bad decision if you want whiter teeth. Research has shown that both the nicotine in the cigarettes and the smoke that goes into your mouth discolor your teeth.

TIP! Sometimes, fruits can be excellent ways to whiten your teeth. Strawberries and oranges are great aids in creating a white smile.

Crowns will not be whitened when you are bleaching your teeth, no matter the number of times you do them. If you use a home whitening kit, your teeth may whiten; however, your crowns will remain the same color.

TIP! Read the directions of home whitening products completely before starting treatment. This could cause damage to your teeth and gums.

Use strawberries as a natural method to whiten teeth. So if you wish to achieve whiter results without the use of harsh chemicals, then look into purchasing some strawberries. Just rub a cut strawberry across your teeth, or mash it and utilize it instead of toothpaste. Allow the strawberry pulp to stay on your teeth a little while. Five minutes is usually just about right.

TIP! The recommended rule is to both floss and brush your teeth a minimum of two times a day. When plaque builds up, it can start to discolor your teeth.

It is possible that your dentist can recommend home whitening kits that are effective but will not damage your gums or teeth. Your dentist will probably know which products are more effective than others.

Teeth Cleaned

TIP! Avoid drinks that can stain your teeth for a brighter smile. These types of drinks include coke, coffee and black tea.

Make appointments regularly with a dentist to routinely have your teeth cleaned. Getting your teeth cleaned by a professional is a good way to get rid of stains and tartar. This makes your teeth stronger and reduces your risk of developing cavities or gum disease.

TIP! Your dentist will be able to help get a brighter smile. If your teeth are discolored, it may not be only cosmetic.

Drinking plenty of pure, filtered water will help you to have white teeth. This may help rinse away stain producing chemicals. Drinking water during meals and between meals is important.

TIP! If you feel any discomfort after you have whitened your teeth on your own, stop the whitening process immediately. When using teeth whitening products, it can increase tooth sensitivity.

Do not drink staining liquids when you want whiter teeth. For example, cola, coffee and black tea are all culprits. If it is not possible for you to eliminate these beverages from your routine, try to drink water in between gulps.

TIP! If your teeth's color is making you uncomfortable, talk with your dentist about the choices you have. Many people feel like it is a waste of money, but when it begins to affect your quality of life, it can be a worthy investment to give you back your self-esteem.

If you feel an increased sensitivity to your teeth while using any whitening product, discontinue use immediately. You may be damaging your teeth, so the best thing to do is to get advice from a professional. Talk with your dentist about the various options available.

TIP! If you are trying to keep your smile white, but do not want to quit drinking soda and coffee, be sure to drink water after each drink. To keep the pigments from setting in and staining your teeth, after you drink tea and coffee, drink some water.

For a minimum of three days following any whitening teeth procedure, don't drink liquids that aren't clear. During these first few days after getting your teeth whitened, your teeth are vulnerable to different colors of fruits and the dark color from tea and coffee.

TIP! Consider purchasing an electric toothbrush to whiten your teeth. You can remove the stains left by coffee, wine or smoking by using these devices.

Talk to a dental professional and orthodontist, if applicable, before using any home teeth-whitening product. If you need to do any major dental work in the upcoming future you should hold off on working on whitening your teeth until after the work.

Teeth Whitening

TIP! Cleaning at a dentist's office by a trained professional is still the primary way to keep your teeth white. One of the most effective ways in whitening teeth is to have your teeth cleaned regularly.

As a teeth whitening devise, teeth whitening pens can be a practical way to make your smile brighter. But take precautions when using this because it is like bleach. If this is your method of choice ensure that you do not use it too often.

TIP! Prior to using any teeth whitening products that you can buy at the store, you should talk to your dentist about his advice first. He or she can work with you to decide the best course of action, including possible side effects of different treatments.

Do not smoke ever again. Smoking is not only harmful to you, but to your teeth as well, leaving nasty stains that can effect how you feel about your smile. A person who has yellow teeth is usually a smoker. As long as you smoke, it will be difficult to have white teeth. If you must smoke, you should cut back for your health and the appearance of your teeth.

TIP! Though more expensive, the most expeditious way to get whiter teeth is to have procedures done by a dental professional. Your dentist will have a variety of techniques at his disposal, including a medical strength bleaching agent along with special UV lights, which can quickly remove stains and make your teeth 15 shades whiter! This type of procedure typically costs roughly $500 per session.

It is best not to use over-the-counter mouthwash, and most importantly do not use any that contain added dye. These mouthwashes might freshen your breath, but they will probably stain your teeth in the process. These mouthwashes are also generally alcohol-based. Alcohol can damage your tongue and gums, and can also enter your bloodstream.

TIP! Mix lemon juice and table salt to construct a paste then brush your teeth using a small layer of your paste. However, stop using this if your teeth tend to be sensitive to salt.

Don't fall for toothpastes that claim to whiten teeth. Whitening toothpaste may help to some extent, but other whitening teeth processes will need to be used separately. If you do purchase one of these pastes, look for one that contains baking soda.

TIP! Another great way to whiten your teeth is to use flosses and teeth whitening toothpastes during the same time. Products with baking soda in the ingredients are a good choice, since it is an effective stain remover and can accomplish both cleaning and whitening your teeth in one step.

Consider visiting your dentist to ask him or her if you can use a home gel for whitening your teeth. For this method of treatment, the dentist will provide you with a mouth tray. You fill this tray with the gel and wear it for a couple of hours daily for a period of around three weeks. This technique can actually whiten your teeth by up to eight shades!

TIP! Some citrus fruits can actually be bad for your teeth. Drinking juices made with these foods is also not a good idea.

Believe it or not, having white teeth can make a large impact on your life. Not only does it make you more attractive but also more socially confident. You'll also find that you're more active, enjoying time out in public once again. With the tips provided, you will be able to get the best results when whitening your teeth.

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