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Helpful Advice To Whiten Your Teeth And Smile Brighter

TIP! Don't drink wine and coffee, and don't smoke. All of these have elements in them that will stain your teeth.

There are many different whitening of the teeth methods. Some show results, but others are scams. Be sure that your chosen method is one that you have researched. Certain household remedies come with side effects, and other treatments do not work like they promise to. This article provides several simple tips that can help you get whiter teeth.

TIP! You really should go to the dentist prior to whitening your teeth if you have untreated cavities or gum disease. With underlying oral issues, you may need to practice extra care when whitening your teeth.

The citric acid in fresh lemons makes them a natural teeth whitener. Take a piece of lemon peel and rub it against your teeth each day. This very basic approach to whiter teeth is affordable and expedient. The peel of a lemon works well for whitening teeth, without the harsh, artificial substances that are in some other whitening treatments.

TIP! Eat as many raw foods as possible, for instance fruits and vegetables. Fast food or processed foods can discolor your teeth and will not whiten them like raw food can.

Whitening products do not do much more than regular toothpaste. Speak with your dentist to find out if there is a product out there that has better results than the others.

TIP! If your teeth are gray, you might need to change the kind of teeth whitening system you are using. Be aware that a number of treatments are needed to make terribly discolored teeth as bright and white as possible.

You can use strawberries to whiten your teeth. Because of the organic compounds in strawberries, they may whiten the teeth without having to use harsh chemicals. There are two ways to use strawberries to whiten your teeth: 1. As a paste to be brushed on and left on for 5 minutes. 2. Simply cut the strawberry into halves or quarters and rub the pieces over your teeth while reading or watching TV.

TIP! You should check with your dentist to find out what products they recommend that you use or should avoid so you do not cause any permanent damage. Your dentist will probably know which products are more effective than others.

Some fruits have great whitening properties. A whiter, brighter smile can be achieved by using strawberries and oranges. Make a paste of mashed strawberries and leave that paste on the teeth for about five minutes for whiter teeth. You can simply rub a orange peel on your teeth to whiten them.

TIP! You can easily make your own whitening toothpaste with household products like peroxide or baking soda. Use this paste to brush your teeth for up to ten minutes.

Take the time after you eat or drink to rinse your mouth out with water. It is easier to keep teeth white if you are able to get residue from food and beverages off your teeth as soon as possible. Cleaning them immediately after eating or drinking will help you avoid deep staining on your teeth.

TIP! To promote white, healthy teeth, drink more water each day. When you drink water, it rinses your teeth, helping to prevent teeth stains.

Use strawberries for naturally whiter teeth! Research has proven that strawberries make a truly natural whitening of the teeth agent. Smashing strawberries into a toothpaste, or rubbing sliced ones on your teeth, is beneficial. To ensure your teeth are as white as this natural process allows for, let the juices or paste rest for at least five minutes. Once that time has passed, it is okay to wash or rinse your teeth.

TIP! Always follow the directions exactly as they are printed when using teeth whiteners. Teeth whitening products can have side effects like harming or inflaming gums, which can be worsened by leaving them on too long.

Avoid beverages that can leave stains on your teeth if you want them to be white and bright. These beverages include cola, tea and coffee. If you must drink teeth-staining beverages, you can mitigate their effects by alternating between a drink of the dark beverage and a sip of water.

TIP! Strawberry juice can be used to clean and whiten your teeth. The juice of a strawberry has a special acid that softens the teeth just enough to remove the built-up stains.

Carefully follow the directions that come with any whitening of the teeth products. If you put these things on your teeth and leave them on longer than directed, you might see some damage. To further protect your teeth, once you've finished the whitening, stay away from acidic beverages like sports drinks or sodas.

TIP! If you are in a hurry to get a whiter smile, a quick visit to your dentist can help you. Teeth whitening is not just a cosmetic problem.

If you desire a beautiful smile, brush your teeth regularly. Food build up on teeth is the main cause of staining and discoloration. You will not have to be concerned with discoloration as long as you maintain regular a regular teeth-brushing routine.

TIP! If you smoke and you'd like whiter teeth, quit smoking. The expense of teeth whitening products is wasted if you continue to smoke and re-stain your teeth.

If you feel pain from whitening of the teeth at home, stop. You can increase your sensitivity and cause inflammation by using whitening products. If this happens, stop using the whitener immediately, and talk to your dentist about a different product that would be suitable for sensitive teeth.

TIP! If you feel any discomfort after you have whitened your teeth on your own, stop the whitening process immediately. Sometimes, these products can increase sensitivity or inflammation of the teeth and gums.

Whitening your teeth doesn't have to be hard and by opting to use the tips from the article above, you can start on your way to having a whiter smile. Some methods may work for you better than others, but remember to experiment to find a proper teeth whitening regimen that works for you.

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