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How To Have A Brighter, Whiter Smile

TIP! Be sure to alternate sips of dark beverages such as red wines, sodas, teas and coffee, with water to lessen their negative effects. These beverages stain the teeth, especially if you are in the habit of drinking them often.

Many people do not know that much about whitening teeth. When you know how to whiten teeth, make sure you stay informed. Learning about the process is the best way to use it effectively. This article contains many techniques to get you started.

TIP! Make a habit of hanging onto a travel-sized toothbrush so you are ready to deal with eating sticky, sugary treats. Because these foods stick to the teeth very easily, they can promote staining.

Peroxide isn't as harmful as other methods. Rinse your mouth with a little hydrogen peroxide while you are in the shower, just remember never to swallow. Repeat the process a few days a week for maximum results.

TIP! Always drink water after you have food or drink coffee. By quickly washing away all traces of a food or liquid, you will find it much easier to keep your teeth white.

Make sure your teeth are very clean before you start a teeth whitening regimen. The cleaner your teeth are, the better results you'll have if you try to whiten them yourself. Dirty teeth can block the solution, giving spotty results, so get the cruft out of the way before you whiten.

TIP! Try combining baking soda and water as a natural teeth whitening solution. Baking soda works as a non-acidic, gentle abrasive cleaner that polishes stains and leaves teeth ultra-clean and whiter.

Getting your teeth cleaned by a dentist is a good start to whiter teeth. Schedule your appointments six months apart, and make a new appointment each time you complete one. Never let this slide, as it is very important. Your dental insurance will usually cover it too, so not having the cash shouldn't really be an excuse.

TIP! Floss and brush your teeth at least twice daily. Plaque is the number one cause of discoloration, and flossing is the best way to prevent build-up.

Avoid things like cigarettes, coffee and red wine as these stain your teeth. These things have chemicals in them which bond to your teeth and cause stains. If you just can't kick the habit of these, make sure that you brush your teeth immediately after consuming them. Many companies started selling mini finger brushes so you are able to use mild abrasives to brush teeth with and you won't need to have a toothbrush with you at all times. The abrasive texture scrubs your teeth clean.

TIP! Baking soda, when combined with peroxide, forms a quality toothpaste that reduces bacteria and eliminates stains. Use this paste to brush your teeth for about five minutes or longer.

A little known way to whiten your teeth is through the use of fruit. Oranges and strawberries are great for whiter smiles. Applying a paste made of mashed strawberries to your teeth for about five minutes can provide impressive whitening results. Another simple way to whiten your teeth is by rubbing orange peel on them.

Kiss smoking goodbye. Nicotine and tar from cigarettes will discolor even the whitest of teeth.

10 Minutes

TIP! Use an orange peel's soft side to rub stains off your teeth. Make your own paste by blending ground bay leaves with orange zest.

Try coconut oil for whiter teeth. For noticeably whiter teeth, try rinsing with coconut oil for at least 10 minutes every day. It takes around 10 minutes, you can then spit it out and brush like you normally would. You will likely see results in a few days.

TIP! If you invest in a toothbrush that is electric, your teeth will become whiter. Electric toothbrushes are excellent at removing built up stains on teeth, as result of certain food, wine and cigarettes.

Whiten your teeth naturally with strawberries. So if you wish to achieve whiter results without the use of harsh chemicals, then look into purchasing some strawberries. Just cut a strawberry in half and rub it over your teeth. You might also mash it and use it for toothpaste. For best results, keep the strawberries on top of your teeth for about five minutes, then rinse your teeth with clear water.

TIP! Speak with your dentist about a whitening gel that can be taken home and applied. Your dentist should give you a mouthpiece that will be filled with gel.

If you are trying to get whiter teeth, keep appointments regularly with your dental office to have your teeth cleaned. A good cleaning at the dentist's office removes built up plaque and tarter which stains the teeth and turns them yellow. This helps in whitening your teeth, and it also works against gum disease and cavities.

TIP! Visit your dentist regularly for cleanings if you want whiter teeth. Frequent cleanings by a professional will help keep your smile white.

Now that you have some new strategies for how you're going to whiten your teeth you should already start feeling positive. Remember that all that you learned here isn't everything there is to know about how to whiten your teeth, so try your best to always seek new knowledge and to apply it whenever possible.

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