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Make Your Teeth Whiter By Taking This Advice

TIP! Though it is an uncommon way to approach teeth whitening, the application of fresh lemons can actually be very effective. Simply rub the inside of a lemon peel on your teeth daily for whiter and brighter teeth.

White teeth is a common desire. There are a lot of ways to whiten your teeth. Additionally, many options focus on preventing staining from nicotine and other substances. You can find a variety of whitening tips in this article, and it will help you to decide which one suits you best.

TIP! If you notice that your gums are extremely sensitive to the two hour white strips you leave on then try switching to 30 minute strips instead. Although the half hour whitening strips have to be applied for a longer time period, two weeks or so, gums won't be as sensitive.

Coffee and wine are notorious for staining teeth, so you should avoid drinking these beverages. If you're a cigarette smoker, quitting can help you avoid tooth discoloration, as well as helping you improve your health. These items contain harsh chemicals that attach themselves to your teeth, causing stains. If these products are part of your life and you don't want to change that, then at least brush your teeth after you use them. If you use them on the go you can buy mini finger brushes to carry around instead of carrying around a toothbrush. Mini brushes work due to their abrasiveness, which brushes stains off your teeth.

TIP! To maintain newly whitened teeth, take care with food and beverages. Right after whitening, teeth are more susceptible to absorbing the color from food and drink and may stain quickly.

If you're suffering from cavities or gum disease, you need to visit your dentist before beginning any whitening of the teeth plan. If you have dental problems, exercise extreme caution when whitening your teeth. Your dentist will be able to tell you how to whiten your teeth and if it is a good idea for you to do so.

TIP! You can use strawberries to whiten your teeth. The malic acid in strawberries can make your teeth whiter without using harsh bleaching agents.

Some fruits are great sources of teeth whitening. For example, fresh oranges and strawberries can create a brighter smile. To whiten your teeth, turn the strawberries into paste by pulverizing them and then putting that paste onto your teeth for about five minutes. Rubbing an orange peel onto your teeth can also be another simple remedy to whiten your smile.

Baking Soda

TIP! Whiten your teeth by brushing them with baking soda. Baking soda naturally whitens teeth and serves as a natural remedy for discolored teeth.

Baking soda and water can effectively and naturally whiten your teeth. Baking soda is soft on your teeth, but it contains enough abrasive agents to remove stains. Just wet your toothbrush and dip it into the baking soda for a no-mess way to mix your paste.

TIP! Toothpaste which claims to whiten your teeth often is little different than regular toothpaste. There is really no need to spend extra money on a product that is not going to make much of a difference in the whiteness of your teeth.

Let strawberries whiten your teeth naturally. Strawberries have been proven to give great whitening teeth results. You can mash a strawberry up and use it like a toothpaste, or you can cut a strawberry up and rub it on your teeth. Wait a few minutes before rinsing so the juice has time to act.

TIP! Mix baking soda with peroxide for an easy to make at home teeth whitening toothpaste. Brush like you normally would for between five and ten minutes.

Create a whitening toothpaste by mixing peroxide and baking soda. Allow this paste to penetrate the porous surface of your teeth for five to ten minutes before brushing. Using too much force when brushing your teeth can cause irritation of the gums or even bleeding.

TIP! Drinking coffee and other staining liquids through a straw is an effective way to keep your teeth whiter. Using this tool will aid in keeping the liquids from remaining on your teeth for a long period of time.

Consume some cheese post-meal to add minerals back to your teeth's enamel. Cheese is rich in calcium, which has been proven to strengthen the enamel. To get whiter teeth, your enamel must be intact, so make sure you are eating cheese a few times weekly.

TIP! Stop using any whitening treatment if you feel sensitivity in your teeth. You could be damaging your teeth beyond repair.

A convenient way to brighten your smile is to simply replace your current toothpaste with a whitening toothpaste. These toothpastes have added ingredients to provide more friction and take more plaque and stains off your teeth. Over time, your teeth will become whiter because stains will be removed.

TIP! It is advisable to stay away from coffee and other dark beverages for several days after you have your teeth whitened. This is because your teeth are in "recovery" mode.

Brushing your teeth at least twice a day is essential for a brighter smile. Foods and drinks cause buildup, which in turn, causes your teeth to become discolored. There is very little need to be concerned about discoloration if you frequently brush your teeth.

TIP! A dentist has access to the best whitening methods available and you can trust that they will do a good job, as they are licensed by the state. Dental whitening costs more but you can whiten your teeth in a more effective manner.

Stay away from coffee, dark tee and cigarettes. These things can cause brown staining on your teeth. If you must drink coffee or tea, drink it though a straw, cover your teeth with your lips, or make sure you brush your teeth immediately afterwards. The main cause of tooth discoloration is drinking tea or coffee, and smoking.

TIP! Strawberry juice is a great natural teeth whitening agent. The acid in the juice acts to soften the tooth enamel, so that you can remove many of the stains on your teeth.

Strawberry juice can be used to clean and whiten your teeth. The juice is acidic and will make the tooth enamel softer, enabling you to eliminate much of the discoloration. This is a cheap way to get a brighter smile.

TIP! If you smoke, you need to stop if you want your smile to be bright. When you spend money on a whitening treatment and keep smoking, it is a waste of money.

You can actually enhance the whiteness of your teeth by choosing the right colors of lip cosmetics. Try using a lipstick that looks blue-based or just use gloss. Hues like berry shades and blue-tinted reds are very effective at making your teeth seem whiter. When choosing lip wear, avoid matte lipsticks at all costs because these can have a negative impact on the look of your teeth.

TIP! Consider switching to a toothpaste with whitening effects. While they will not have the same effect as a tooth whitening procedure, they are great as a maintenance tool to stop new stains forming.

You should know what to expect out of a whitening of the teeth system. Expecting too much can leave you disappointed. Different methods are more effective than others. Know the initial state of your teeth, and remember that outside factors such as age and diet can play a role in the results you see. Ask your dentist what to expect.

TIP! Keep a whitening pen with you for times when you need to whiten your teeth while away from home. This gel work like bleach: use it as indicated.

Decrease the amount of mouthwash you use. If you notice that your teeth are not as white as they used to be, it is time to put the mouthwash away. There are many chemicals in mouthwash. It is possible that one or more of these substances is staining your teeth.

TIP! Use a strawberry paste as a daily natural teeth whitener. Mash fresh strawberries to form a paste-like consistency, and then apply the mixture to your teeth.

If you're in a rush to get your teeth white and don't care about money, hire a professional. The dentist has bleaching agents that can only be used at a professional level. He can then use a light that will whiten your teeth immensely. The price of this procedure is approximately 500 dollars per session.

TIP! Don't use the mass-marketed, store brand mouthwashes, particularly those that have added color. Some of them can actually cause a change of color in your teeth.

You can use a lot of different methods to get whiter teeth and prevent stains. After reading the advice from this article, you will better know what you can do so you have teeth that are stain free, healthy and white.

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