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Whitening Teeth Advice Everyone Should Know About

TIP! Most of the time these products are no better than normal toothpaste when it comes to whitening your teeth. Speak with your dentist to find out if there is a product out there that has better results than the others.

Whitening of the teeth is a great, cheap way to give yourself a confidence boost. If you are embarrassed by your discolored teeth, you can try a variety of whitening of the teeth products and procedures. If you follow these tips, you will be able to avoid common mistakes and get amazing results.

TIP! You should attempt to have a small toothbrush with you at all times. This will allow you to brush your teeth after eating any sugary foods.

When the need is dire, you should turn to professionals to handle that noticeable damage. After only a few appointments with your dentist, your teeth will appear much whiter. Dentists can use techniques not offered in over-the-counter preparations.

TIP! If you are using a home whitening product, make sure that you follow all of the directions. You will only end up with an irritated mouth and inflamed gums.

Getting your teeth cleaned by a dentist is a good start to whiter teeth. Dental cleanings should be a routine, where you schedule each appointment every six months. Since teeth cleaning is covered by dental insurances you should to it twice a year.

TIP! Mouthwash freshens your breath and kills the germs that can cause gingivitis; however, some forms of mouthwash can discolor your teeth. If you need to use mouthwash, choose one that isn't a bright color and one that isn't too strong.

You may develop a sensitivity to some whitening of the teeth products. This might only be a temporary side effect for you, but it can be quite painful. If you experience sensitivity, stop using the product and visit your dentist. The dentist may recommend a teeth whitening product that doesn't cause discomfort to your teeth.

TIP! If you want whiter teeth, drink a lot of water instead of food. When you drink water, your teeth get a good rinsing and are less likely to stain.

You need to get regular dental cleanings if you want to have a beautiful white smile. Keep up with these cleanings about twice a year. You should arrange for your next dental cleaning while you are still at the dentist. This will help you to remember to visit again in six months. Ask the clinic to remind you a week before.

TIP! If you are thinking about tooth whitening, always remember that this process only whitens your natural teeth. Crowns, fillings, veneers and dentures will not change in color.

A simple trick for having whiter and brighter teeth is to consume liquids with a straw. A straw will reduce the time a beverage is in contact with your teeth, thereby limiting its ability to stain them. The liquid moves past your teeth and into your mouth.

Red Wine

TIP! Ask your dentist to provide you with a gel can be utilized at home to make your teeth look whiter. This method uses a mouthpiece to hold the gel in place.

People who enjoy nothing more than a nice red wine often have to pay the price in the form of stained teeth. Your teeth's enamel absorbs the deep hues of the wine, discoloring them in the process. The only way to eliminate this risk is to cut way back on red wine, if not giving it up altogether.

TIP! Whitening gels are available for those with tooth discoloration. These products can be purchased at many pharmacies for much less money than you would spend to have a dentist perform a teeth whitening procedure.

Brushing with strawberry juice is one method to whiten your teeth. The acid in the strawberries helps the tooth enamel soften, allowing you to remove stains easily. This whitening teeth technique is nice, because it is rather inexpensive.

TIP! Keep your expectations realistic when you whiten your teeth, whatever method you use. If you have unrealistic ideals about the products you use, you may wind up disappointed with the whiteness of your teeth.

What is the first step to white teeth for a smoker? Stop smoking. If you continue to smoke while spending money to whiten your teeth, you are wasting your money. All that work to whiten your teeth will be lost when you smoke.


Hydrogen peroxide is an inexpensive and quick way to whiten your teeth. Simple soak a cloth into the mixture. Once you have wet the washcloth slightly with the solution, use it to rub your teeth. The stains on your teeth, as well as any discoloration will be lightened by the peroxide and the texture the wash cloth has.

TIP! Many people believe that lemon or lime juice can be used to whiten teeth. That is just an old wives tale and is not true.

Whiter, shinier teeth can be as quick and easy as putting some vaseline on those pearly whites. While it won't taste very good, it will provide a barrier that shields your teeth from staining for several hours.

TIP! Chomp on herbs like parsley and cilantro to naturally strengthen and protect your teeth. Substances in these natural foods help combat germs and bacteria that can discolor your teeth.

Give smoking the flick. Smoking is not only harmful to your health, it can also cause major staining on your teeth. Smokers tend to have a yellowish tint to their teeth, from all the tar and nicotine contained in cigarettes. It can be difficult to keep teeth white when you smoke. If you already are a smoker, try to smoke a little less so you can be more healthy and have better looking teeth.

Orange Peels

TIP! Build flossing into your regimin. Flossing removes food debris and plaque from between teeth, which helps to keep your teeth whiter.

Orange peels are an effective home remedy for stained and yellow teeth. Rub your teeth and gums with the inner part of the peel to keep your teeth white. Another thing you can do is to create a paste out of dry orange peels and use the paste to whiten your teeth. Be sure to thoroughly rinse your mouth after use to get rid of the sugar from the fruit.

TIP! Eat more foods with a crunchy texture. Celery, carrots, and apples can help to keep your teeth white.

Purchasing an electric toothbrush is a great way to get whiter teeth. You can remove wine, food and tobacco stains by using a good electric toothbrush. They remove the yellow stains that are stuck on the enamel of your teeth.

TIP! Whiten your teeth with the bark of a walnut tree. Just rub the bark across your teeth and stains, and plaque will start to come off.

Ask for dentist to a whitening gel that can be used at home. This method uses a mouthpiece to hold the gel in place. Expect to use it over a couple of weeks for a few hours at a time. This method is said to make your teeth up to 8 shades whiter.

TIP! It is wise to consult your dentist prior to starting a teeth whitening program. You might decide that it's unnecessary once you've had a thorough cleaning.

Pregnant women should not use teeth whitening products of any kind. Chemicals contained in these products may harm your baby. Consult with your doctor if you are using a toothpaste that whitens teeth to ensure that you are not using a product that could be harmful to your pregnancy.

TIP! Home tooth whitening kits do come with side effects you'll have to be aware of like enamel thinking to tooth sensitivity or gum damage. If you experience any of these side effects, check with your dentist.

As was stated before, whitening teeth can do wonders for your life by boosting your self confidence. Being able to smile freely and have teeth that you're proud of can make all the difference in your life. If you apply these simple methods, you'll see how easy it is to get a great smile and beautiful, white teeth.

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